Housing Grant Information
Housing Repair Regional Program: In partnership with Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) and local banks. We provide repairs to improve health, safety, and energy efficiency in owner occupied homes. Assistance comes in the form of a 5-year forgivable loan, forgiven at 20% for each year the applicant keeps the home as their primary residence. Some of the requirements include primary residence of the owner, located in Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Montgomery, Mills, Page, and Shelby counties served by SWIPCO, and income eligibility. To be put on the waiting list, please contact our Housing staff at 1-866-279-4720.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): We assist member cities to provide repairs to bring homes up to Iowa Minimum Housing Rehabilitation Standards. Assistance is provided as a 5-year forgivable loan. Requirements include, but are not limited to, residing within the target area, income qualified, home must be the primary residence of the owner, and must apply within the posted time frame. Applicants are selected by an appointed housing committee.
Cities can apply for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Repair Program. Southwest Iowa Planning Council (SWIPCO) will be administering this grant on behalf of the City if the grant is awarded.
Home Ownership Assistance: Southwest Iowa Housing Trust Fund (SWIHTF) can assist potential homebuyers of new and existing housing with down payment assistance. SWIHTF can fund up to 7% of the purchase price up to $8,000. The first $5,000 is a 5-year forgivable loan, forgiven at 20% per year. The remaining amount is a 1% loan for up to 5 years. Please allow a minimum of two weeks from application submittal for final approval prior to closing. For more information or to apply, contact SWIPCO Housing department at 712-243-4196.
Home Ownership Assistance 2024 funds have been exhausted. We will notify when 2025 funds arrive.
Demolition: Southwest Iowa Housing Trust Fund (SWIHTF) is accepting applications for its Demolition Program for projects in Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Page, and Shelby Counties. The demolition program is designed to assist cities with the cost of demolition of blighted, residential properties. SWIHTF will pay 50% of the cost, or a maximum of $15,000, for demolition of city owned properties. For questions or to request/send an application contact Sandy Hansen at 712-243-4196 or sandy.hansen@swipco.org.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and funding decisions will be made quarterly. Click below to download the application.
The application must be submitted complete including supporting documentation.
IFA Demo Application 5-18-22.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [120.3 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [16.0 MB]
Lead Based Paint Stabilization: SWIPCO's Residential Lead Hazard Reduction Program can assist owner occupied households in improving health concerns by eliminating lead based paint hazards in their homes. Priority will be given to homes with children who have elevated blood lead levels. For more information please contact Nicole Rhodes at 712-243-4196 or nicole.rhodes@swipco.org.
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
SWIPCO is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Southwest Iowa Planning Council, 1501 SW 7th St., Atlantic, Iowa, 50022
712-243-4196 or 1-866-279-4720; Fax 712-243-3458; swipco@swipco.org