RPA 13 is now taking applications for Regional Transportation Alternatives Program
Regional Planning Affiliation 13 (RPA-13) has a new application for its Regional Transportation Alternatives Program fund for projects in Cass, Fremont, Montgomery, and Page Counties on the funding opportunities page. The submission deadline for those applications is February 14,2025.
Regional Planning Affiliate 13
SWIPCO manages Regional Planning Affiliate 13 (RPA 13), which is the transportation planning region designated through the Iowa Department of Transportation. Counties within RPA 13 include Cass, Fremont, Montgomery, and Page counties. Planning activities for RPA include:
- Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)*
- Passenger Transportation Plan (PTP)*
- Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)*
- Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP)*
- Manage Regional Transportation Alternatives Program applications and projects.
RPA 13 also can assist communities through other transportation planning activities including trail plans and grant applications such as State Recreational Trails, TAP, etc.
***Links to our most up-to-date plans can be accessed through our Plans tab at left.
SWIPCO is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Southwest Iowa Planning Council, 1501 SW 7th St., Atlantic, Iowa, 50022
712-243-4196 or 1-866-279-4720; Fax 712-243-3458; swipco@swipco.org