Southwest Iowa Planning Council
Southwest Iowa Planning Council

Mission Statement

Southwest Iowa Planning Council's (SWIPCO) mission is to serve as the regional catalyst fostering sustainable community and economic improvements. This statement encompasses everything SWIPCO strives for in regional cooperation and betterment through community development, housing assistance, and transportation services. It also reaches all partners in the region and their goals for regional improvement.

SWIPCO views regional improvements in a circular pattern with each piece of the cog needed for development. Three focus areas emerge from this chart: People, Community Assets and Business. Utilizing the mission statement and the three focus areas, three goals were developed:


1. Improve Community Assets and Infrastructure.

2. Promote and Enhance Economic and Business Development Climate.

3. Maintain and Improve the Quality of Life for Residents.


These three goals set the framework for the wheel showing how each piece of the wheel is needed in order for the system to function smoothly. 

SWIPCO is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.


Southwest Iowa Planning Council, 1501 SW 7th St., Atlantic, Iowa, 50022

712-243-4196 or 1-866-279-4720; Fax 712-243-3458;