Southwest Iowa Planning Council
Southwest Iowa Planning Council

Message from the Executive Director

Welcome and thank you for your interest in Southwest Iowa Planning Council. Formed in 1975 to foster regional cooperation and planning, SWIPCO continues to be a vital piece of the region's growth and development. Since our founding, we have steadily increased the size and scope of the services that we provide in an efficient and economical manner, which has allowed us to continue to be an affordable, sound investment for our member communities.


The opportunities in southwest Iowa are great, and so is the need for services. There are few areas of life in southwest Iowa that SWIPCO doesn't touch in some way. Through SWITA we help people get to work, to school, to the doctor, and to any number of places in between. This helps older residents to stay in their own homes longer, for younger families to send their children to pre-school, and in general keeps our rural area strong. Through our housing programs and the Housing Trust Fund we help to improve the housing stock in the area, without which our cities would be hard pressed to retain current and recruit new residents. Our community development team helps communities plan for the future, builds vital infrastructure like water towers and treatment plants, plans transportation improvements, provides valuable loans to small businesses, and any number of things in between. From sewer lagoons to softball diamonds, from transit to tuck pointing, SWIPCO is here to help.


I strongly encourage you to contact us if you have a project or see a need that isn't being met in the community. Chances are, we have a program that will fit, or we know who to put you into contact with to get things moving.



John P. McCurdy, AICP

Executive Director

SWIPCO is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.


Southwest Iowa Planning Council, 1501 SW 7th St., Atlantic, Iowa, 50022

712-243-3458 or 1-866-279-4720; Fax 712-243-3458;