Southwest Iowa Planning Council
Southwest Iowa Planning Council


Work Routes

Uptown Staffing/OSI

SWITA provides round trip transportation to employees of Uptown Staffing and OSI from Omaha and Council Bluffs to Oakland seven days a week. The bus leaves Uptown Staffing in Omaha at 4:30 a.m. and then Uptown Staffing in Council Bluffs at 5:00 a.m. The bus leaves OSI for Council Bluffs and Omaha in the afternoon between 3:15-3:45 p.m. Pickup in Atlantic going to OSI is at 5:00 am.


Uptown Staffing Omaha: 4725 S. 25th St. Omaha, Nebraska

Uptown Staffing Council Bluffs: 409 S. 8th St. Council Bluffs, Iowa

OSI Oakland: 21876 US- 59, Oakland, Iowa

OSI Atlantic: Public Library 507 Poplar St. Atlantic, Iowa

Rutas de Autobus


Uptown Staffing/OSI


SWITA ofrece transportatcion publica, de ida y vuelta, para los empleados de Uptown Staffing y OSI de Omaha y Council Bluffs hacia Oakland cada dia de la semana. El autobus sale Uptown Staffing en Omaha a 4:30 en la manana, y luego Uptown Staffing en Council Bluffs y Omaha en la tarde entre las horas de 3:15-3:45, 


Todas las rutas de SWITA son disponibles para el publico. El costo de un boleto para el publico es diferente que el costo para empleados.


Southwest Iowa Planning Council y Southwest Iowa Transit Agency dan la igualdad de oportunidades de empleo, de proveer servicios y prestamos.


Southwest Iowa Planning Council, 1501 SW 7th St., Atlantic, Iowa, 50022 TF 1-800-842-8065 or 712-243-2518 F 712-243-3458

Monogram Foods

Round trip transportation is available between Omaha/Council Bluffs and the Monogram Foods plant in Harlan, IA Monday - Friday, cost is $8.00 round trip per person. Pick up times and addresses are as follows:


1:30 AM -- 1231 870th St. Harlan, IA

6:00 AM -- 1231 870th St. Harlan, IA

1:00 PM -- 2701 Edward Babe Gomez-Metro College Omaha, NE

1:35 PM -- 3215 Cuming St. Omaha, NE

10:50 PM -- 2701 Edward Babe Gomez-Metro College Omaha, NE

CDS Van Pool

A vanpool option is available for individuals living in or around Red Oak, Iowa going to work in Harlan, Iowa rate is $120.00 per rider per month and this transporation is centered around a Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm work day. For more information please contact the SWITA office at 1-866-279-4720.

Work Routes Large Print 

Work Routes Large Print .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [302.6 KB]

Southwest Iowa Planning Council and Southwest Iowa Transit Agency are equal opportunity employers, providers, and lenders.


Southwest Iowa Planning Council, 1501 SW 7th St., Atlantic, Iowa, 50022

TF 1-800-842-8065 P 712-243-2518 F 712-243-3458

Individuals with hearing impairments are encouraged to contact SWITA via Relay Iowa by dialing 711 or 1-800-735-2943